Monday, August 14, 2006

Real World Ethical Dilemmas (4)

Q. Wow. What an incredible coincidence! I'm on the terrorism beat at my paper as well. But since I started on it a few months back, I've started to worry that I'm helping to demonize Muslims everywhere. I just wrote a story last week about some nonsensical study which said that "one in two followers of Islam" wanted to "do serious violence against non-believers at some point in their lives." When I looked at it again yesterday, it read like a press release for the BNP. Help! Have I crossed an ethical line somewhere?

A. Kid, don't worry about it. The only line you've crossed is the one that takes you up to the big leagues from the minors. Seriously, that article sounds like some top-quality journalism! Besides, do you seriously believe that the Blair and Bush governments might be using this latest incident as a blatant attempt to boost their poll ratings? Or that any concern over the faceless hordes of "Islamic fundamentalists" taking over Europe is simply a feeble excuse for some ugly minority bashing? Really, champ, that sort of cynicism went out with bell-bottom pants.

Besides, to paraphrase the late Murray Kempton, Muslim fundamentalists have joined that select group beloved by editors everywhere - those who have put themselves forever beyond recourse to the law of libel. You can write about them whatever your little heart desires. Time to go to town, baby.


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