Tuesday, January 31, 2006

A Tip

Sometimes - particularly when they're on a tight deadline - reporters rely on press releases a lot more than they like. A story breaks, it deals with a complicated issue and there simply isn't the time to track real people down. Taking quotes from a prepared statement isn't something journalists like to do but on occasion, it's a necessary evil.

On the other hand, while this sort of situation is more common than we like, here's a tip for all you PR people out there. It is never a good idea to tell a journalist to simply "cut and paste" from your release. Yes, yes, yes. I know you spent all that time crafting those beautiful, pithy quotes but trust me. We're easy but we're not that easy.

Saturday, January 28, 2006


Yes, Simon Hughes, human rights activist and center-left-sort-of-guy, that's right. London Hackwatch is endorsing YOU to be the next leader of the Liberal Democrats.

Friday, January 20, 2006


It's just a strategic retreat. Really. Believe me. The man's canny.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

A Man For Our Time

Not that anyone cares, but London Hackwatch would like to come out today and endorse Mark Oaten. Not simply for becoming the leader of the Liberal Democrats but for Prime Minister as well.

After all, I had a two-minute conversation with him a year ago and while he probably forgot about it the second he put down the phone, if he gets in, I'll be casually name-dropping him for, oh, the next decade (particularly to Americans who could care less...)
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